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Our Cups on "Crouchy's Year-Late Euros"


We recently supplied our Printed Event Pint Cups to Crouchy’s Year-Late Euros and this featured in the newspaper!


“Peter, as luck would have it, is nicknamed ‘Crouchy’. So, it’s not just their first names that they share in common, as Peter is often nicknamed Crouchy when out and about due to his tall figure, blondish hair and laid-back approach.”

“During my year travelling and living in Australia, we lived with some Brazilian guys who became good friends and call me Crouchinho,” Peter says. “Fast forward to 2020 when we were in Brazil on our honeymoon and on a beach in Santos two youngsters came up and asked me for a photo thinking I was the real Peter Crouch. Not wanting to embarrass them I obliged and even faked an autograph on their t-shirts!

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Printed Pint Cups on TV Event
Printed Cups Crouchy

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